Questions You Should Ask Before Hiring Cleaning Service In Miami Beach


When exploring professional cleaning services for businesses, knowing how to choose a commercial cleaning company is not something that comes innately to most people. While some people are initially sure they know what they’re looking for in a professional , commercial cleaning company that certainty often wavers when they have to decide between multiple vendors who appear very similar. This is why it’s important to ask questions about everything ranging from the cost of service to employee turnover rates to how to get out of a contract if you’re unhappy with their services.

To help you with this challenge, we’ve put together a list of questions to ask a service provider when choosing a commercial cleaning company.

Some Questions to Ask When Choosing a Professional Cleaning Company:

When you partner with a professional cleaning company, you expect to receive high-quality service. However, several employee-related factors can affect the service you receive and your overall satisfaction level. High employee turnover leads to poor customer service. Professional cleaning companies that subcontract their work to third parties make it virtually impossible to know who is coming and going from your business.

Some of the questions you can ask include:

  1. Do you subcontract out your work to a third party?
  2. How do you get each employee?
  3. How can I identify your cleaning experts?
  4. How are your employees trained?
  5. Do your employees wear uniforms or carry professional identification?

Questions Concerning Their Communication Processes

Poor communication often leads to displeased clients. If the employees at your existing professional cleaning company or a prospective company you’re considering demonstrate poor communication skills, look elsewhere. Some factors that affect poor communication include:

  • Language barriers if the cleaning employees don’t speak English;
  • Your point of contact is unresponsive or slow to respond to your requests or inquiries;
  • The cleaning staff don’t seem to know what the management is doing or vice versa;
  • Improvements to the quality of service that you request go unmet.

If a professional cleaning company is not proficient at communicating with you, then it isn’t a stretch to think that they also aren’t good at communicating with their team. Poor communication often leads to shoddy workmanship and frustration for you as a client.

Some of the questions to ask when evaluating the communication skills of professional cleaning service include:

  1. Do your employees speak English?
  2. Who will be my main point of contact?
  3. What is the communication process if there’s an issue?
  4. What kind of response time can I expect to receive for my inquiries?
  5. How do you keep your employees in the loop about requests or changes to services?

These are the questions and concerns that you must discuss with cleaning services Miami Beach. These questions can help you to get perfect cleaning services in Miami Beach. Invest your money and time in the right way and discuss these questions before giving a chance to any cleaner.
